Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Playing Cult Spot-The-Difference


I was prompted to blog today because I watched “Desperately Seeking Soulmate: Escaping Twin Flames Universe” (on Amazon Prime), a documentary series based on this article by Alice Hines in Vanity Fair

It was so shocking how much it parallelled what I experienced whilst working for Melanie Tonia Evans, and where I believe she was heading.

My Facebook post covers most of it:

Last night I binge-watched ‘Desperately Seeking Soulmate: Escaping Twin Flames Universe’. Wow. Sadly I recognised so much of what I’d experienced in my last job.

Would-be guru, driven by a desire for wealth and adoration – check; exploitation of never-ending ‘trauma’ in their ‘community’ – check; expensive programs that lead to ever-more expensive programs – check; monthly memberships – check; pivoting whenever necessary to throw together the next money-spinner – check; a ‘channel’ that must not be questioned – check; extraterrestrial starseeds – check; going ‘5D’ – check; the promise of abundance – check; victim blaming when the abundance doesn’t appear – check; “you just need to keep doing the inner work” – check; accumulation of personal wealth (gold bars, anyone?) – check; feeling entitled to free labour – check. There’s even a check next to the white bookcase and pink orchids!

What goes on to happen is what I predicted lay in the future for us – the pyramid scheme/MLM structure and the IRL cult. So for anyone still involved, I urge you to watch this. The first episode and a half especially will be uncomfortable viewing, and whilst the severity of what happens in the final half of the series may enable you to convince yourself that this is not what you are dealing with (since it is a road the potential cult leader in question would never take), I hope that it nevertheless will linger in the memory and validate the doubts when they come.

As I went on to comment, I have no problem with what people choose to believe – there are multiple paths to God. But according to Melanie Tonia Evans some of the starseeds are apparently from Sirius B – even though it is a star, not a planet, and one of the stars least likely to have any planet, let alone a habitable one, since it is a binary, with shifting gravitational pulls. But this is what happens when you don’t need to read books, because you have a ‘channel’.

And the whole ‘5D’ thing seems to have become some sort of league table, where the more ‘D’s you are, the more spiritually advanced you are. When you get people claiming to be ’15D’ or whatever, and you can see they are quite unpleasant, well then it kind of motivates me to remain 3D pondlife with the rest of the ‘normies’ as they like to call us!

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