Thursday, 23 November 2023



Well I've not written here for a couple of weeks because I've emotionally moved on from needing to write about Melanie Tonia Evans. I realised that writing everything about how she is a fake and a bit of a con artist and would-be cult leader was actually keeping me attached to her. It began to feel wrong, especially as the people who would have been vulnerable to any backlash from her as a result of me speaking out both left in quick succession the day after I last posted.

So instead, I made a one-off Facebook post. It is not possible to say who I am speaking about in it, as I do not list my employment with her.

Aligned and evolved people run their businesses ethically and are mindful of the well-being of their staff. They put their mission first and allow the money to take care of itself. They do not withhold pay and drive their employees into the ground with their endless drama and demands. Or put money and appearances first at the expense of their infrastructure.

They lead by example and live what they preach. They keep their promises to their staff of decent pay and holidays, and they give them an employment contract – rather than it always being ‘jam tomorrow’. They keep their promises to their customers of free upgrades for life - and don’t retcon them to ‘only for gold members’.

Authenticity doesn't need airbrushing and filters – and no, that never was the choice of ‘the Team’ (the very opposite in fact).

I hear variously that I was sacked, or that I left because other people could not relieve my workload. Neither of those is true. When you catch someone in a lie, be careful not to believe them in the future.

Nor did I leave out of being work-shy, which has also been implied. I left because I wanted a family-life and a social life, and I was not allowed to have either whilst working there. The fake-emergencies always happened at the weekend - by design. It's a well-known cult tactic, to not allow people time to rest and reflect.

I left because I cannot align with someone who claims to teach people how to be abundant yet is stuck in scarcity consciousness and the worship of money. Who preaches about evolved relationships yet is incapable of maintaining them herself; sometimes, when people keep leaving you, it's not because you are so evolved, it's because you treat them badly. Who talks about soul-truths but is a liar. Whose words of love and support are skin-deep and never backed up by genuine feeling or actions, and who is unable to self-reflect and own their part.

When a person with status has a complete inability to take advice or suggestions from others, or to work as part of a team, then they lose perspective and become blinded by their own mythos. Just like Madonna and Michael Jackson, the False Self becomes inflated by power and the only people acceptable to them are those who puff them up and dare not challenge that inflated false self. Especially if it is named ‘the channel’.

The fruits of this channel might cause another person to question it, since its results are little to do with love.

Her true beliefs are obvious in the things she promises to others. Financial abundance, 'evolutionary love' relationships, external youthfulness and beauty - all the things she describes as being a 'thriving life' - these are the things she values.

There's a reason Jesus did not promise these things – he did not value them. The way, the truth and the life is not about any of those things. Yes, with true alignment to Source they can come, but the point of alignment is that you no longer need or desire them. A vow of poverty does not need to be a bad thing – and that is something she is unable to understand.

In alignment there is peace, and in peace there is no drama. But peace apparently doesn’t sell, and peace certainly does not provide a supply-feed. She doesn't see you as ‘thrivers’: she sees you as cash-cows and adoring fans – providers of the things she needs.

The message she put out was the truth, in the times when money wasn’t the sole driver, and the irony is that it was following her own guidance that led to me leaving. Guidance she does not follow herself.

The healing also certainly does work. Yet just stop to think for a second. Either her healing is as miraculous as she says and it works - in which case you don't need any other program. Or it doesn't work and so keeping on buying it in different and increasingly hastily-thrown-together packages isn't going to work either.

Additionally, if the 1:1 sessions bring the instant resolution she claims, then you would only need one of them. Astonishing then, how many people were told they needed another 2 sessions. Or more.

And yes, it's lovely if you have the money to treat yourself to more and different healing and live programs – I am not saying they are completely without benefit. But I see too many people putting themselves in financial difficulties chasing after the promised results.

My only regret in leaving is that I also leave behind the community of people who are in thrall to her. You are deserving of support and guidance from those who truly are walking the same pathway, and the last thing you need are the endless finance-driven messages of how you are not enough and need to evolve or be left behind.

You are enough exactly as you are. You do not have to 'go 5D'. Source already sees you as perfect, because you already ARE. Everything you need is within you - your spark of divinity is within and all it needs to free it is your own acceptance and love.

A person so reliant on the worship, adoration, validation and money of others is not going to be of genuine help in teaching you how to do that.

A large part of me wanted to stay silent on this, because I do not want anything to do with her, even the energetic attachment of writing this. But a lie of omission is still a lie.

I neither expect nor need anyone to believe me. I encourage you instead to listen to and trust your own soul.

And that is it done. Completely done. The last clinging MTE tentacle removed, and my conscience is clear - I have warned those with ears to hear.

I heard that another ex-employee - who had been treated pretty badly by her, but is still thoroughly enmeshed - had sent her a screenshot of my post (which is public) and asked her if she was ok. Way to gleefully upset a person so you can then ingratiate yourself but being the one to comfort her! This is the calibre of people around her right now. It prompted her to post a picture on Facebook with #NoFilter. She's blocked, both her personal account and her page, but plenty of people contacted me to let me know!

Which again caused people to see through her. I am apparently 'not her reality' - yet there she is directing her life around something I said. And as if there was no filter!

But that is that. I am going to cut ties with those who are still in contact with her, as I really don't want to hear anything. She's in the past and I don't care whether she soars or plunges into the depths.

However things look on the outside, she's in hell, because she has to live with her real self - like we all do.

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